#GoTheExtraSmile : Be Hapee with your Kids

How far can you, parents, go to make your kid happy?

I’m a working mama. My daily working hours is 9.6hrs plus mind the Cebu traffic which for a 10km ride from north takes roughly an hour. That means I’m away from my kids almost 12 hours a day for 5 days. That means I only have a few precious hours to spend with them and ask them about how their day went. Thankfully we don’t have works on Saturdays and Sundays.

So to make up with them, I  #GoTheExtraSmile! by bringing home their favorites as pasalubong. I got the idea from my father, who would rather bring home the goodies he got from work and share with his brood. I remember him bringing home the big burger which was supposedly his merienda from an event. He brought it home so that his children can share. How thoughtful isn’t it?
For me, that gesture is a simple reminder for us, his children, that even if he is away and working, he always remember us, that he diligently work for us, his children’s better future.
I want to do the same and give my the kids the same assurance I got from my father, that their papa and mama are working to give them the best (shelter, food education and some stuffs that needs payment ).

MommyAfterWork-GoforExtraSmille_FavoriteBiscuitSee that face, when I brought home his favorite biscuit,
MommyAfterWork-GoforExtraSmille_FavoriteIceCreamOr that smile when I brought home an ice cream,
MommyAfterWork-GoforExtraSmille_FavoriteSpaghettiandBurgerOr eating his favorite spaghetti and fried chicken at home 🙂

Another opportunity to #GoTheExtraSmile! is to share an experience and have fun with them. They say that it is better to fill our life with experiences, not things, so we have stories to tell and not stuffs to show. I grew up not having fancy toys to show off so if its not much to ask, I’d rather want my kids to share stories from their trip to the park or museum, swimming adventure or those fun times playing with our neighbors kids.
I’m a ’90s kid but like the millennials, I also love to visit new places, try new food and do some extraordinary stuffs my kids love to do even if it scares me .  I’ll encourage you to have funwith them while you can, I tell you your kids will definitely remember every detail of it! 🙂

This was my daughter’s first Ferris Wheel ride. She was 4yo then and I was afraid to let her ride but since she wants to try it, we let her experience it and I’m glad we did.

How about you mommy and daddy? How far can you go to make your kid happy?

This is an entry to the #GoTheExtraSmile Happee Kiddiw Blog Writing Contest
Check out the Hapee Kiddie Toothy Tales Video for some happee tales  from Team Kramer too.


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