The Benefits of Cosleeping


Co-sleeping is when babies and young children sleep at proximity with their parents.

It could be that kids and parents share the same bed or multiple beds in a room or some families uses crib that is securely attached next to the parent’s bed so mommies have easy access when nursing the baby. While the co-sleeping debate goes on, it is surprising to know that a lot of parents around the world choose this set-up. Like us, we co-sleep with our kiddos because of the following benefits:

Promotes Closeness
For weekdays, my husband and I are almost 9 hours away from our kids because of work. Thus, we only have a few hours to connect with them — asking how their day was, sharing breakfast or dinner, school reinforcement, story telling, bedtime bonding and sleeping together.
I’d rather hear the noise of my kid’s breathing as they sleep or my husband’s snore than the deafening silence at night. Somehow sleeping together promotes closeness and attachment with each other.

Longer Sleep
Kids are a bit sensitive, when my kids wake-up and noticed that they are alone in the room, they rather look for us than return to sleep. But when they still notice parent’s presence, they sleep longer. Parent’s presence is surely and comfortably soothing.

Sense of Security
I don’t know with you but cuddles and kisses during bedtime is like security blankets, these bonding and closeness develop the feel of being safe, secure and of course loved.

Saves Electricity
At 31ºC and 70% humidity, no one wants to spend in this sweltering weather. Perks of living in a tropical country is having a warm weather all year round as well sweat and perspiring body everyday. No wonder people loves to stay in malls. Some families would invest in air-conditioning system for a cool good sleep at night. Rather than using all air-conditioning, we gather ourselves together in one room 🙂

With proper bed sharing guidelines, co-sleeping is not that bad after all 🙂

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