Sometime last September, I was one of the mommies invited by Mommy Hannah from Iway DIaries for a chance to experience Grow Happy Nation by Nestogrow as it visits Cebu for 2 days.
Nestle Philippines’ PR came all the way from Manila to be with Cebu mommies and for an intimiate discussion on what’s new with Nestogrow milk after the rebranding as well as on why Grow Happy is Nestogrow’s jingle.
Nestogrow Rebranding
The Nestogrow box is modified into shiny metallic green color with a big smile that depicts happiness. Not only did Nestogrow improved the packaging but they also improved the milk contents. Nestogrow now contains L.comfortis®, a probiotic that helps in the proper absorption of nutrients and LIPO ACTIV, which contributes to better calcium absorption making one’s kid happy tummy.
Grow Happy
The new jingle of Nestogrow Milk starts by telling mommies that happiness starts with a happy tummy. Here in this side of the world, school starts as early as 7 o’clock in the morning. That is too early. If I had a hard time forcing myself to wake early to prepare for breakfast and baons, then how much more for the kids. Prepping for school is difficult especially during breakfast, that is why we rely on milks help 🙂 Thankfully there is Nestogrow which gives additional nutrients at a very affordable price.
Grow Happy Nation PlayLab
The Grow Happy Nation PlayLab interactive play that helps mommies (and daddies) and kiddos understand the benefits Nestogrow has to offer. The Lab was available for Cebu parents for 2 days.
The Grow Happy Nation PlayLab contains stations that:
– highlights Nestogrow having no sucrose added (no sugar added)
– tells mommy not to worry of the price since kids get to enjoy the health benefits from the milk while moms get the enjoy the savings when choosing Nestogrow.
– where mommies get to play hopscotch where each square block contains the vitamins and nutrients Nestogrow has to offer.
– Grow Happy Play Lab station wherein kiddos had a chance to wear the scientist’s lab gown 🙂
Thanks again Nestle and Mommy Hannah for the invites 😀